

撰文: 朱姵慈     分類:ESG快訊     圖檔來源:朱姵慈攝 日期:2024-11-13

10月底,來自台灣及全球各地的青年代表齊聚日本沖繩,參加「聯合國永續發展目標論壇」,共同針對氣候變遷、永續發展議題展開深度交流,更重要的是論壇結束後的「沖繩宣言」,將會透過TGB(The Green Book),讓台灣青年聲音前進聯合國氣候變遷大會COP29,為島嶼國家在氣候變遷中的永續發展爭取關注和支持。







今周刊聯合國氣候變遷大會(COP 29) 現場直擊及報導
































「很多人會認為,包含我們校內的學生自己會這樣講,『我現在才高中、我才國中,我沒有這個影響力,沒有這個機會可以去改變什麼』,那我們今年學生會的施政口號是相信改變、成就不同。」 郭羿群說,有時候不是能不能做的問題,而是你願不願意去做,願意去相信。












誠如黃一展所說:「我們就像是寫一封情書給地球,透過『Green Book』這樣的媒介,將這份愛與責任傳達到COP29。」這句話點燃了青少年心中的理想,也道出了他們堅定為地球發聲的信念。




黃一展今(13日)晨已抵達亞塞拜然參與聯合國氣候變遷大會COP29,將《The Green Book》致贈給聯合國前助理秘書長Satya。


「沖繩宣言」的內容涉及貧困、飢餓、教育、氣候正義等多個SDGs目標,呼籲各國政府和企業加速採取行動,支持小島國家實現永續發展,這次宣言將隨著《The Green Book》一同提交至COP29,成為全球青年的發聲管道。






2024 Okinawa UN-SDGs Forum 

The Declaration for Our Common Future and Sustainable  



Jointly made by 2024 Youth Delegates 

Reviewed by 

Edited by Jack Huang 


At the 2024 Okinawa UN-SDGs Forum, over 100 youth leaders from 30 countries and regions united to voice their commitment to a sustainable, just, and resilient world. Through hard work and collaboration, we, the youth, present this declaration to show our deep concern and our determination to drive change. Youth voices matter—they are the changemakers of today and tomorrow. We urge the world to recognize and empower us as we lead toward a better future. 


We, the youth, envision a world where poverty and hunger are eliminated, supported by sustainable financing, inclusive governance, and equal opportunities in quality education. Education is the foundation of sustainable growth and must be accessible, equitable, and lifelong. We call for partnerships with restaurants, supermarkets, and governments to develop mobile food banks and organize community kitchens for those in need. Additionally, mental health education is essential to breaking stigma and ensuring well-being for all. Our future depends on empowerment through education that builds skills, awareness, and resilience in our communities. 


Our economies must evolve to balance sustainable growth with environmental respect. We stand for economic development driven by green skills, eco-friendly innovations, and investments in renewable energy and power storage systems. We urge governments and businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create affordable energy options that support smart cities with rainwater storage, electric transit, and energy-efficient housing. Responsible, sustainable consumption will allow us to protect resources for future generations. 


A peaceful world relies on justice, strong institutions, and fair policies. We call for climate justice, equitable resource distribution, and inclusive decision-making that represents all communities. To tackle domestic violence, we advocate for stronger protections and accessible support services. Justice and peace must be priorities if we are to create safe, resilient societies where everyone can thrive. Transparent policies and collaborative actions across borders are essential to building accountability and fostering unity. 


Our natural resources are our legacy, and we commit to protecting forests, oceans, and biodiversity. Sustainable forest action and marine conservation are essential to safeguarding biodiversity and promoting climate stability. We support forest restoration, ocean-based solutions, and policies that empower communities to act as guardians of their ecosystems. Through education and systemic change, we can inspire responsible stewardship of the environment, ensuring that our planet remains vibrant and resilient for generations to come. 


Together, we are powerful. The Sustainable Development Goals are more than targets; they are a promise to create a world where all people live with peace, justice, and opportunity. We, the youth, pledge to this journey. We will work across borders, foster responsible consumption, and champion innovation. This is our commitment: to inspire others, to act with urgency, and to build a fair, healthy, and thriving future for everyone. 


This declaration is both a call to action and a roadmap. Our commitment, grounded in the SDGs, is to lead with innovation, fairness, and urgency. Together, we will build resilient communities, protect our planet, and stand for justice and peace. Youth are the present and the future—we are ready to lead, and we ask the world to walk with us in creating a sustainable world for all. 


Signature of the Youth Leaders